Research shows that car steering wheels & interiors are teeming with Bacteria. Up to 700 potentially Dangerous germs per square inch.
That’s roughly nine times as many germs/bacteria as you encounter on a public toilet seat according to written statements in conjunction with university research around the world
Also interiors are found to be 2,144 times dirtier than the typical smart phone which would surprise many of us.
Most car owners can see the dirt and grime on the exterior of your
car paint surfaces, and you automatically know you must
clean the car because it’s obviously noticeable.
But when it comes to your interior the bacteria and germs are obviously
not noticeable. Owners must take interior cleaning more seriously to
avoid the spread of bacteria Germs and Viruses.
What car owners don’t expect is the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Propionibacterium,Salmonella and E Coli. Virus can cause
Respiratory infections like cough and Colds and Flu’s and Asthma attacks.
As you can see there is more to your Interior than just dirt, spills and odour
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